Saturday, September 12, 2009

Amy's site

My friend just posted her new website and it looks fantastic. Amy Gary is one of those people who fits the "do the right thing" theme that I apparently keep discussing. Amy was a powerhouse in the publishing industry> Her last job was with George Lucas and Pixar as their publishing director. I've known Amy for almost 12 years now and knew her during those times when she was balancing motherhood and a profession. My son and her youngest are the same age and buddies. I have always known that Amy has one of the truest, kindest, most generous hearts I have ever been blessed to be exposed to. What I didn't know for over a decade was that she is very psychic.

Her busy life just kept that part of her at bay. Over the last few years several things happened to her to shift her priorities in her life and she is listening more to that side of her. She is a very high spirit trying to simply help others achieve their own sense of spirituality. Check out her site;

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