Monday, August 31, 2009

Embracing who we are


My name is Cheryl Lewallen. I'm a forty-something author and former journalist who is studying to become a Marriage and Family Therapist.

The purpose of this blog is about growth; spiritual, emotional, mental, creative and even physical. I want to pump you up! Well, actually, that's your job. Mine will be to get you to think and hopefully feel a little harder about things. Yep, that's right, feel. 'Cause you know what...? feelings can't hurt you. Big suprise, huh? We spend half our lives running like little gerbils on a wheel hoping if we move fast enough, we can outrun our feelings. Outrun ourselves.

Why do we do that? Why do we want to run away from the one person in the whole wide world who can save us from ourselves?! Us humans are funny little creatures!

Anway, the time spent here is not so much about me, even though I'll share things about myself. My attempt is to learn and share new insights. It's about discussing the hardships in our lives that make us better people. It's about challenging ourselves to grow into the people we want to be. It's about giving ourselves the gonads (or should I say ovaries) to dream about what we want and the estrogen (or testosterone) to set out to get it. It's also about giving ourselves the Grace to love ourselves and just be. We are where we are. Embrace and Accept that.

So, at the risk of sounding any more sanctimonious than I already have (I suppose that's the riskiest part of being a blogger), let's get busy getting real and honest with ourselves.

Stop squirming! :-)

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